Notice according to Section 5 E-Commerce-Act (E-Commerce-Gesetz – ECG) and Sections 24 and 25 Media Act (Mediengesetz – MedienG):

ECP Epsilon Capital Partners GmbH
Salztorgasse 6/4/4, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 1 533 79 09
Fax: +43 1 533 0 533 33

General Manager: Mr. Ilias Wagner
Registration number in the register of companies of the Commercial Court in Vienna: FN 354105v

Notice according to Section 25 para 2 MedienG: The business of the company is participation management and business consulting.

Notice of Disclosure according to Section 25 para 4 MedienG: This website serves to present and promote the services provided by ECP Epsilon Capital Partners GmbH and is directed to its clients and other interested persons.